LPA Brand Content Studio:
The'Write' Choice
Anyone can produce content or post a story.
What makes us unique is our top-quality writers and wide reach on the most trusted content platforms - print, digital and social. ... from small Louisiana communities to the entire state.
When your story matters, the LPA's Brand Content Studio is The 'Write' Choice.
Your story. Our reach.
You have a story to tell. No one does that better than newspaper journalists. It’s in our DNA.
Our newspapers, websites and social media channels are an ideal vehicle for your story, and for the people you want to reach.
It's not just content generation. It's trusted content generation ... with reach.
Why newspaper media:
70% of Louisiana residents read newspapers on a weekly basis in print or digital formats.
Louisiana newspapers have nearly 1.7 million organic Facebook followers.
Louisiana newspapers Rank #1 in trust among residents on where to find information.
Print plus digital marketing shows a 3-to-5 times brand lift and ROI.
Consider this:
Brand recall for branded content is 59% higher than display ad
61% of customers say that they’re more likely to buy from a brand that creates custom content
Brand favorability is 7% higher than for display ads
Purchase consideration is 9% higher than with display ads
What you get:
A 400-750 word article penned by a freelance journalist
½ Page article with images or infographics. (Includes strip ad at bottom of article)
Branded content article at top of news site’s news feed for initial day along with print publication and in “headline history list” for days 2-4) After day 4, article is archived and lives on the site forever.
Social media post of Branded content on each publication’s Facebook page.
End of campaign reporting
Digital etear copy of each newspapers’ sponsored content print article.
Online and Social Media – JPEG Sample of up to 10 screenshots
Brand Content is NOT Advertorial
Brand Content
• Is in the same style and format as the editorial content of the publication or website.
• Is written by a professional, third party journalist.
• Empowers consumers with information instead of being inauthentic.
• Does not contain a call to action in the content itself.
• Is clearly labeled “sponsored.”
• Has the advertiser’s name included after “sponsored by.”
• In printed publications, there is no border around a Brand article.
• Labeled as “Paid Advertising.”
• Content is provided by the advertiser.
• The advertisement is boxed.
• The format of the advertisement should NOT match the format of editorial content.
• It often pushes a specific product or service.
• It often includes a logo and a call to action within the story.